2008 San Diego Meet

Once again Jack Riddell hosted another great weekend with picture perfect weather.  That's two straight years of summer like weather but this time without the fires.  The San Diego Automotive Museum was a blast with a fantastic catered dinner and open bar.  A special collection of Ferrari's was on display along with many other classics.  Click on the thumbnail to view the full size image (40-100K each). To simplify navigation the full image will open in a new browser window. Close that window after you are finished viewing the image and choose another. 


Caravan Video

(Apple Quicktime Plugin Required)


Lunch at Symbolic on Friday

Symbolic Tour

Symbolic Restoration Department

Symbolic Tour

Symbolic Tour

Symbolic Tour

Symbolic Tour

Symbolic Restoration

Lunch group parking at Symbolic

Joel & Sue relaxing at the Bay Club

Lambo staging area

Lambo staging area

Getting ready to lead the caravan

Ready to roll

Arrival at the San Diego Automotive Museum

Arrival at the San Diego Automotive Museum

Arrival at the San Diego Automotive Museum

Special Ferrari Exhibit at the Museum

Special Ferrari Exhibit at the Museum

Special Ferrari Exhibit at the Museum

Special Ferrari Exhibit at the Museum

Joel is thrilled with the Ferrari exhibit!

Special Ferrari Exhibit at the Museum

Special Ferrari Exhibit at the Museum

Special Ferrari Exhibit at the Museum


What collection is complete without a Countach!


The Antiques

Museum overview from our dining area

Museum overview from our dining area

Dinner time

Dinner Time

Jack received the Bella Italia Award for his 400GT Jack shows off his award Jack's 2008 Bella Italia Award for driving his car over 250,000 miles.

Dinner time

Jim, Terry, the Heady's and friends


Lamborghini Wine  For More San Diego Event Pictures Click Here! Jim Fox parks his new acquisition


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